Compensation Surveys

Public Sector Compensation Survey

This research project is sponsored primarily by the largest counties in Minnesota. The published report includes 170 jobs spanning entry-level, middle, and top management positions. In addition to the survey, we can provide custom cuts and competitive analytics from this survey for select organizations based on your parameters of choice. Results are published in the Fall each year.

Custom Compensation Survey

compensation survey roadmap

(click on image to enlarge)

Custom surveys are typically conducted to meet the specific needs of organizations for compensation and policy information that is not readily available. Other reasons for conducting a custom survey:

  • Unique and critical jobs that are not widely surveyed in the marketplace
  • Specific industry jobs
  • Low participation in surveys available in the marketplace
  • Desire to survey a specific peer group of companies with a certain profile who compete for the same talent
  • Fast turnaround for fresh or new information on specific issues


For questions on our surveys, please call Keystone Compensation Group at: 612.810.3522 or send us an email message.